New Release Giveaway Day 4

IT’S NEW RELEASE AND GIVEAWAY TIME!  It's our last day of sneaks, and our new release will be in the shop tomorrow, March 8, at 8 am CT.  Today we're sharing Wolf Pack and Jungle Kids. Be sure to check out our IG and YouTube Channel for inspiration, and you can enter on IG @missinkstamps for a chance to win our our Wolf Pack stamp. We will also be giving away some new release goodies in our Facebook Group, Miss Ink's Pad, so come join us there and look for our New Release post for another chance to win!

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1 comment

Love this collection! Huge fan of the story and movie and these stamps bring back so many memories of my kids and yet can be used in so many ways! Fingers crossed 🤞

Heidi Riordan

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